Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Smorgasbord. A word that means "a collection containing a variety of sorts of things"

A word that also aptly describes my mind this evening, so why not blog about it?

Random thought #1
I was watching TV and a lady on a commercial was trying to sell Gold Bond skin lotion. She said something like "I can't feel young when my skin looks old" and I immediately thought, "it's probably because you're old."
I think I may be more practical and literal than I need to be most times.

Random thought #2
Most people, if not all, are gifted with some passion in life. Some passions are quite admirable and inspirational. Others are fascinating and cool. Lately I've been realizing one of my passions is grammar and good language use. I think most people probably find that annoying.

Random thought #3
I've been thinking a lot lately of how I could be more useful and significant with music. I spend enough time thinking about music, arranging songs in my head, and learning new instruments and techniques. I have been considering perhaps I should put it to good use. I'm really excited to figure this out, and I wouldn't be disappointed if this is something I felt drawn to more in the future.

Random thought #4
I wonder how much we let people in our past affect how we treat the innocent and unrelated of the present and future. In my own life, I often still assume nothing I have to say that takes more than 30 seconds would be interesting to anybody. This includes both in social situations and in writing. And I can think of the person in my past that makes me think this way. That person is long gone, so why is it still there? Why do other people do the same thing? I can think of others who let people I will never know affect how they interact with me. Is that right? Do I choose to hold on to those things, rather than forgiving the issue and moving on? This one is a little deeper than the others, and perhaps I'll delve into it more some other time.

Random thought #5
I recently read a book by a woman who I later realized was somewhat feminist. I had never read any "feminist" work before, though I don't know that I would classify it as such nor should anybody. Either way, it was interesting to read as an unassuming male with no background on the author, her intent, or her work. I began unconsciously notice there were no named men other than the powerless, gay, religious, or dying. I honestly don't know if the author even intended for a person like me to read the book. I'm confused by this. I don't think I've ever been exposed to that before, nor have I had the insight into a woman's mind with those impressions of men.

I can't imagine reading one book is going to help me realize just how a woman's mind might work, nor can I assume this one woman is representative of all women. But perhaps I appreciate a bit more why women act in ways I don't get right away. That's another deep one I probably won't delve into in this post.

Random thought #6
It kind of freaks me out when I can actually see somebody actively trying to be someone or something other than what naturally are. Or when I realize I'm doing it myself. Seriously, people facing pressure to be something unnatural to them and then caving--willingly or not--happens. It happens a lot. There are times where identifying something you need to be or improve is appropriate. Change is good. But it still freaks me out if the intentions or motivations aren't right (because that's well defined...).

Ok, now enough of weird random thoughts.

Picture time:
Had to fix this. Twitpic was not impressed with my hot-linking skills
I hit myself in the face taking off my guitar. It sucked. It's usually what I enjoy doing when I have nothing else to do in an evening or if I'm spending time alone. Apparently my guitar wasn't into it and she let me know the hard way :)
Please observe alien looking bump under my right eyebrow.
Got in a fight with my guitar while taking it off. on Twitpic

One of the things I love about my apartment and why I chose this place is that I knew I'd get good views like this in time. Thank God for the sun setting in the West. This makes me think I need a better camera.
Sunday sunset from my apartment. Part two. on Twitpic
Sunday sunset from my apartment. Part one. on Twitpic

Ok, well hopefully you liked the pictures!

And that killed enough time that I feel like going to bed now. This was good :)

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