Friday, May 22, 2009

What I think would be fun...

Sitting at my parents' home in Bellevue is always fairly relaxing, but over the last couple of weeks I've been realizing it is somewhat isolating. There's not much in the way of kids my age I still talk to. So I spend a lot of time hanging out reading or thinking or playing guitar. I was playing guitar in my parents' living room the other day since nobody was home. The acoustics of the living room had a warmer feel than playing outside on the porch or in some dirty basement. The acoustics of a space add a lot to the subtleties of music and those kinds of things are fun to explore.

Someday, assuming I make a bunch of friends who also enjoy sitting around and making racket with instruments, I would just love to rent out a space and harness it to tease good music out of the atmosphere. I would love to find some cabin or old house out in the middle of nowhere. I would love to just sit around in its living room, or explore the small nooks and crannies of the house, or even just wander around outside. You know how each house has a smell? Perhaps there's more than just a smell in the house, but a general feel or spirit, if you will. Perhaps that can be inspiring enough to make music that carries the same uniqueness of the house.

That's what I want to do someday. Perhaps run into enough cash to rent a place like that and make a few friends that would just want to sit around and make racket all day. I know other bands have used in the same way: Led Zeppelin, Incubus, and a few others who aren't coming to mind. I think it would be fun. Now I just need to scope out some random places in the Pacific Northwest and track down other hippie music freaks.

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