Friday, November 21, 2008

Volunteer Opportunity

I saw this posted up on a wall on campus. UNL is providing an opportunity for students, teachers, and I don't know who else to help the less fortunate in our city with taxes. That doesn't sound terribly exciting, does it?

I think it's a cool opportunity, because my university is doing something to offer free tax assistance to those who need it and maybe didn't know it was available. Volunteers train and become certified to become tax assistants and will help families when that dreaded time comes around. I signed up and I think I'm going to find time to help out. If anything, I'll learn more about how to do my own taxes!

Here is the link:

I don't think the time line on this moves pretty quickly, so act now if you are remotely interested.

On another note, I posted a Brett Dennen song in my last entry. The video that follows is of a song that I've known and liked for a while, but I never actually made it through the whole video. I just finished watching it, and it's pretty powerful. I don't like the idea of guilting people into doing something, but this at least shows us how oblivious we can be to the world around us when we become wrapped up in our blessings. It's kind of neat to watch, and it's a great song.

Ok, it's Friday, and I'm going to relax.

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